Good Morning! It’s Wisdom Wednesday!
This morning I want to get straight to the bottom-line of our weekly blog!
We all live with label: many of which were given to us by no choice of our own, while others we’ve earned through hard work in school or in our career fields.
Having had to learn to live with certain labels IN MY LIFE, I have worked hard not to allow those labels to CONTROL MY LIFE! My life is a hot mess most of the time. Just like yours, it has its share of ups and downs. That’s why I am diligent in reminding myself of not only my purpose in life, but also how my influence affects the generations around me.
Bottom line Sisterhood:
Labels cannot define our sisterhood influence.
Click the link below to catch a few raw moments with my sisterhood.
Be encouraged today by the power of God's Word and some Spirit-filled common sense!
Keep Pressing,
Pastor Laura