The Power in Sisterhood!

 Good Morning GRITS Sisterhood!


 It’s official! Fall is here, and pumpkin spice coffee has already found its way into my coffeepot! Although it’s still fairly warm here in North Carolina, experience tells me from living here 18 years that autumn is still hiding for a few more weeks. But, brisk evenings, my favorite fall soups, and pumpkin spiced coffees will all be a part of my regular routine!

I am so excited to begin our Fall Sisterhood Series!

Sisterhood has been a part of our church culture for many years. GENERATIONS (our women’s ministry at Church Alive) has worked very hard through the years to create a powerful, yet safe space, for women of all backgrounds, all ages and from all walks of life to come together in order to empower, equip, declare and influence the generations!

Psalm 145:4 NIV

One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts!

Sister- friends, our influence is so vital, not just for the generations now, but for those yet to be born!!

What is Sisterhood? states that “Sisterhood is an association, society or community of women linked by a common interest.”

Y’all, amazing things happen when women UNITE with this not so common bond- JESUS! It becomes a super-natural movement of sisterhood that can bring freedom to the generations!

 I love what Debbie Morris says about the power of our influence in her book – The Blessed Woman. “When women began to understand their influence, they began wreaking destruction on the destroyer, SHE can set entire generations free.”

You canNOT buy into a cultural lie that we have to impress others to make a difference -it will only derail you from the original intent and destiny that God has for your life!

When our focus revolves around building a multi- cultural and multi- generational Sisterhood movement within our churches, filled with women who have that one common goal, to influence generations to love Jesus, serve Him and obey Him, it will change the course of history!

Word to the Wise

We must live to Influence the Generations, instead of dying to Impress them!

Next week I will share with you the differences in influencing and impressing the generations!  Stay tuned GRITS!