Devastated … not Dead
And God is certainly not DONE with me yet!
You see, this is not a Public Statement to give the devil any credit, but this is MY personal statement of FAITH to remind the world that God works ALL THINGS TOGETHER for my Good!
A statement of FAITH I declare as a PRAYER over myself & my family daily!
I now understand the passage my brother Paul penned in Philippians 4:6-7
"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then, you will experience God's PEACE, which exceeds anything we can understand. His Peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."
Living in Christ Jesus is a daily choice for any believer. So, every day I get up and CHOOSE to trust the MAN who died for me . With much gratitude to my Savior, I continue to experience this Peace that Jesus said would pass all human understanding in this complicated winter season of my life - a season full of ALOT of "NOT UNDERSTANDING” moments,
Yes,I am so glad I know the PEACESpeaker. As I have said for years, TIME does not heal all wounds, but Jesus certainly helps!
Thank you so much to everyone who has reached out, prayed for, and loved The Lee family during the last three months. Your support, texts, calls, gift cards, and weekly notes of encouragement have been my lifeline as Judah and I begin to enter the land of the Living! Psalm 118: 17 A special shoutout to my precious mom and dad! I can not even begin to express my gratitude with written words.
I pray that the Holy Spirit would supernaturally equip our family for the days ahead.
We are in constant need of what only GOD can do, and I am allowing GOD to have the space to do what only HE can do.
Thank you, and we covet every prayer
Pastor Laura
Psalm 145:4
PSA: Dying to know the details … all I can say is with all the #stubbornsallylouisestrength and #bettyannattitude
Wisdom withholds & Silence can't be misquoted. 😳While #mylittleman reminds me that silence breeds curiosity - I would suggest that curiosity, my friend is what killed the cat.
#grits #girlsraisedinthespirit #devestatednotdead #generations
#landoftheliving #overcomer #comebackstory #warrior #warriorstrong