Strength and Dignity

It’s Wisdom Wednesday and we are only two days away from Friday!


I am so proud of you girl and now that you have made the decision to become strong by showing up to your LIFE and our GRITS (Girls Raised in the Spirit) Spiritual Conditioning Class every day, we can get even a little GRITTIER with it, Sister-friend!  Remember, I call this Spirit – filled common sense!

Let’s get honest, Sister-friends! In different seasons of our lives, we encounter pain in many different forms including loss, death, betrayal, hurt, disease and _____________ (whatever your pain is, place it in the blank by saying it out loud girl). What happens is we begin to slowly lose pieces of our hearts where hope, courage, love and laughter live. Again, another tactic of the enemy to strip our strength!

But when we show up each day, in every season of our Grits class – we draw our strength from HIM – remember, Solomon breaks it down like this in Proverbs 31:17 to remind us of the importance of our God- given task.

Proverbs 31:17 (Amplified):

"She equips herself with strength [spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for her God-given task] And makes her arms strong."

Just a few verses down in Proverbs 31:25, he tells us that not only should we equip ourselves with strength, but we should clothe ourselves in His strength and dignity. 

PROVERBS 31:25- (Amplified):

"Strength and dignity are her clothing and her position is strong and secure; And she smiles at the future [knowing that she and her family are prepared]."

Then and only then will we be able to stand strong and secure and be able to laugh at whatever come our way!

I know what you are thinking … “How can that lady possibly smile at the future? I can’t smile at the future. In fact, I haven’t smiled in years because I live in constant fear about today.

Sister – friend, I personally don’t make a lot of promises to anyone. BUT, what I can promise you TODAY is, as you equip yourselves with HIS Strength and HIS Spirit you can laugh again.

It’s not always fuzzy feelings and goosebumps! It is a decision on our parts to do something with what we know to be true and the discipline to SHOW UP to our LIVES. The laughter may only start with a giggle, but it will soon turn to that deep belly laugh! There is no greater medicine for our souls, sisterhood, than a good dose of laughter with friends!

Word to the Wise:

Bottom Line Sisterhood..

There is no such thing as a pain – free life! But God gives us a fantastic formula to follow in equipping ourselves with His strength for each season of our lives. But remember, it’s not a magic formula; it is a written formula!


More Next Week Sister-friends! 

Are you ready to get G-R-I-T-T-Y with it?


Keep Pressing,

Pastor Laura