Spirit Filled Common Sense

Hey Girls! It’s Wisdom Wednesday!

Last week, I shared with you how Fear is a spirit and not from God!  When we allow fear to grip our minds it will strip us of His strength.

The Power of the Holy Spirit will strengthen and equip us as we exchange our insecurities, weaknesses and fears for His Strength and Power!

So, what now? What do you do next!

You begin the process of BECOMING STRONG!

Just like the importance physical strength and endurance play in our everyday life, we must be equally as concerned with strengthening ourselves spiritually!

I call this our GRITS (Girls Raised in the Spirit) sisterhood spiritual conditioning class!  Girls, we show up to this class every day whether we realize it or not. In fact, we show up even when we don’t wish to.  IT’S CALLED LIFE!

Proverbs 31:17 (Amplified):

"She equips herself with strength [spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for her God-given task] And makes her arms strong."

You and I both help redeem the world’s definition of strong when we begin to equip ourselves through this great exchange with His strength!

Remember, we are made strong through our weaknesses! I can assure you that is not how the world would define strong!  

Strengthening ourselves takes work, practice, EXERCISE and DISCIPLINE (I know, quit rolling your eyes friend, I said the D word) and then more practice on our parts in developing stronger endurance as we become GRITS!

No, not a girl raised in the south and I am not talking about something you eat! LOL



Hold up, Pastor Laura –WAIT A MINUTE!

You’re talking about the Spirit today and for me the Holy Spirit can be so complicated and so confusing!

YES SISTER – FRIEND! I am talking about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is one of the most abused, mis-used and mis- represented parts of the Trinity.

The Trinity is the God- Head. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit! Unfortunately, the church is one of the biggest violators of this abuse, mis-use and mis- representation and for this, I humbly apologize!

Ya’ll… Spirit-filled common sense can be a part of your everyday life as GRITS!

Strengthening ourselves by the ever- present power of the Holy Spirit is VITAL in living a strong and secure life!

In fact, God desires for us to clothe ourselves every day with His strength and by His Spirit according to Proverbs 31!

PROVERBS 31:25(Amplified): "Strength and dignity are her clothing and her position is strong and secure; And she smiles at the future [knowing that she and her family are prepared]."

Smiling at the future?  Just hang on! Se will talk more next week about the future…and SOOO much more about the Holy Spirit and being a part of the GRITS Sisterhood so, make sure you check your inbox!


Bottom-line Sisterhood….

Show up to your life today. Show up to your GRITS spiritual conditioning class today! Become equipped by His strength for your God – given task. The God- given task for today and every day!

Let’s redeem the word STRONG!

Strong Women.

May We Know Them. 

May We Be Them. 

May We Raise Them. 

(Author Unknown) 

Keep Pressing,

Pastor Laura